How To Start A Fitness Blog And Make Money?

Are you passionate about fitness and looking to share your knowledge, experiences, and insights with others?

Starting a fitness blog can be an incredibly rewarding endeavor that not only allows you to pursue your passion but also has the potential to generate income and build a thriving online community.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through every step of the process, from setting up your blog to implementing monetization strategies that can help you turn your passion for fitness into a sustainable source of income.

Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast, personal trainer, nutritionist, or wellness coach, this guide is designed to help you launch and monetize your fitness blog successfully.

1. Define Your Niche

Starting any blog is like setting up shop: you need to know who you’re selling to. This applies to fitness blogs too.

You might think, “Isn’t fitness already specific enough?”. That’s true, but to really stand out, you need to get even more targeted. This is where micro niches come in.

Imagine a giant mall with a huge sports store. That’s the fitness world of blogging. Micro niches are like the smaller shops inside, focusing on things like running shoes, yoga mats, or protein powder.

By picking a micro niche, you become the local expert, the go-to person for a specific kind of fitness enthusiast.

The most important thing is to pick a niche you’re passionate about. If you already have fitness knowledge, great! Start with something you know well.

But even if you’re a fitness newbie or you do not know about fitness much, you can still create a successful blog. Just be prepared to do some extra research.

But hey, don’t just pick a niche because it’s easy for you. If you want your blog to grow fast, consider the competition too.

For example, the Keto diet is a super popular niche in fitness, but that also means a lot of other bloggers are writing about it thus making it more competitive. It might take longer to get noticed in that crowd.

The point is, if you’re just starting out, it’s okay to pick a niche that’s a little easier. You can always build up your traffic and knowledge, then tackle the more competitive niches later.

Even a small amount of income from your fitness blog can be motivating! Once you get the hang of things, you can expand your reach and become a fitness blogging pro.

Here are some hot niches in fitness to give you some ideas:

  • Home Workouts for Busy Professionals.
  • Prenatal and Postpartum Fitness.
  • Outdoor Adventure Fitness.
  • Mindful Movement and Yoga for Mental Wellness.
  • Senior Fitness and Healthy Aging.
  • Bodyweight Fitness for Travelers.
  • Nutrition for Specific Diets (Keto, Vegan, etc.).
  • Functional Fitness for Athletes.
  • Tech-Driven Fitness.
  • Body Positivity and Inclusive Fitness.

2. Research Your Target Audience

Many bloggers get excited and jump right into picking a name and buying a website (domain) before they take a crucial step: researching their target audience. It’s like planning a road trip without a map!

Understanding who you’re writing for gives your fitness blog direction and helps you reach the right people.

Let’s say your niche is senior fitness and healthy aging. Your target audience would most likely be people over 40. But age is just one piece of the puzzle. Here’s another interesting fact: younger generations like Millennials and Gen X tend to spend more time shopping online compared to seniors. This means you might earn less from ads targeted at seniors.

Age is just the tip of the iceberg. To truly connect with your readers, you’ll want to research their:

  • Interests: What are their fitness goals? Do they prefer working out at home or at a gym?
  • Challenges: Are they just starting out, or getting back into fitness after a break?
  • Preferences: Do they like long, detailed articles, or quick and easy tips?

Imagine your ideal reader as a real person. What’s their daily routine like? What are their fitness struggles? The more you understand them, the better you can tailor your blog content and marketing to their needs.

Here’s a tip: create a simple spreadsheet to list everything you learn about your target audience. This way, you can always refer back to it when crafting blog posts and marketing your blog to attract the right kind of traffic –– your ideal readers!

3. Choose A Domain Name

Alright, let’s get down to the fun part (well, maybe kinda technical too) of starting your money-making fitness blog: picking a domain name!

I see a lot of advice floating around saying domain names don’t matter, that you can just grab any old one. But hold on a sec, I gotta disagree.

Now, if you’re just aiming for a quick few hundred bucks from your fitness blog, sure, a fancy name isn’t crucial. But if you want to build a recognizable brand, your domain name becomes a big deal.

So, what makes a domain name “brandable”? Here’s the lowdown:

  • Easy to Remember: Think short, catchy, and something that rolls off the tongue.
  • Sounds Good: Imagine someone saying your blog’s name out loud. Does it sound professional and inviting, or like a tongue twister? versus No contest, right?

Don’t settle for just okay! Take some time to brainstorm a name that reflects your brand’s vision. Think long-term, no short cuts.

Need some help getting those creative juices flowing? There are tons of free tools out there to spark ideas. Some of my favorites (that I use all the time) are Namelix, Shopify Business Name Generator, Looka, Namify, and Canva.

Now, let’s talk about those fancy letters at the end of your domain name, like “.com” or “.net” – these are called Top-Level Domains (TLDs). You have a few options to choose from, but for branding purposes, I always recommend going with the classic “.com.” It’s the most recognizable and trusted extension.

(Side note: Did you know people actually get paid to come up with cool business names? Just learned that today!)

Alright, back on track. Once you’ve found the perfect domain name and you’re in love with it, it’s time to register it officially (the technical part).

I have a separate guide that dives deep into the registration process, but for now, here are some popular domain registrars you can check out: Namecheap,, and GoDaddy.

Looking for a recommendation? Namecheap is a great choice for beginners – they’re affordable and easy to use.

So there you have it! Now you’re well on your way to picking the perfect domain name for your fitness blog and building a brand that will stand out from the crowd.

4. Choose A Hosting Service

Imagine your domain name as your fitness center’s address. People need a way to find it, right? That’s where hosting comes in.

A hosting service is like renting out a space on the internet to store your blog’s files and make it accessible 24/7. No more “closed for business” signs!

When choosing a hosting service, there are three key things to consider:

  1. Reliability: You wouldn’t want your gym to be closed all the time, would you? The same goes for your blog. A reliable hosting service ensures your site is up and running almost constantly, keeping your visitors happy and coming back for more.
  2. Scalability: Starting out, a small personal training studio might be enough. But as your client base grows, you’ll need a bigger space. The same is true for your blog! Choose a hosting service that allows you to easily upgrade your plan to accommodate more visitors as your fitness blog gets more popular.
  3. Customer Support: Let’s face it, even the most experienced fitness instructors need help sometimes. That’s where customer support comes in. Choose a hosting service with a good reputation for helping their customers. You want to know that if you run into any technical issues, there’s a friendly and knowledgeable team to assist you.

My Hosting Recommendation: Bluehost

I’ve been blogging for years, and Bluehost is a hosting service I’ve always trusted. They tick all the boxes for reliability, scalability, and excellent customer support. Plus, they even offer a free domain name when you sign up for their hosting plan – double win!

For a step-by-step guide on setting up your hosting and connecting your domain name, check out this guide before moving on.

5. Set Up Your Fitness Blog

Let’s walk through setting up your fitness blog! It might seem complicated, but it’s actually quite simple. Imagine your blog as a house – to get started, we need to build the foundation.

In this case, the foundation is a platform called WordPress. Think of WordPress as a set of tools that makes creating and managing your blog content (like articles, videos, and pictures) easy. It’s free, popular (used by almost half of all websites!), and beginner-friendly.

Softaculous App Installer

Here’s how to install WordPress on your fitness blog:

  1. Connect your domain name to your hosting account: Imagine your domain name as your blog’s address on the internet. Your hosting account is like the rented space where your blog’s house lives. Once they’re connected, it’s time to build!
  2. Log in to your cPanel and find Softaculous: cPanel is your hosting account’s control panel, like a dashboard. Look for something called “Softaculous App Installer” – this tool helps you set up different programs on your blog’s foundation.
  3. Install WordPress: In Softaculous, you’ll see WordPress as an option. Click on it!
  4. Fill in the installation details: Here’s where you choose where to build your blog’s house. Select the domain name you connected earlier. Then, create a username, password, and email address for your blog’s admin panel (this is where you’ll manage and edit your blog).
  5. Click “Install”: Congratulations! You’ve just installed WordPress on your fitness blog. Now, you can start creating awesome content and inspiring others with your fitness journey!
WordPress Installer

6. Design Your Fitness Blog

Now that WordPress is installed on your blog, it’s time to give it a cool look! But before you can design anything or edit your content, you need to log in as an administrator (admin).

Think of your blog as having two sides: a public one that everyone sees, and a private admin area where you can make changes. To access this special admin area, you’ll use a web address like this: (replace with your actual website name).

Logging in and exploring the admin panel

Remember those username and password you created during WordPress installation? You’ll need them to log in to the admin panel. Once you’re in, you’ll see all the options for managing your fitness blog, including adding new posts, uploading pictures and videos, and most importantly for now, changing the design!

There are many buttons and menus in the admin panel, but don’t worry, we’ll focus on just one for now: Appearance. This menu controls how your blog looks to visitors.

Head over to the Appearance menu and then click on “Themes.” Here, you can delete old themes (if there are any) or add new ones. These themes act like outfits for your blog, completely changing its appearance.

fitness themes for blog

The good news is that WordPress has a huge collection of free themes, including tons specifically designed for fitness blogs! Browse the selection, find a theme you love, and click “Install” followed by “Activate” to bring your chosen theme to life.

7. Create Key Pages

Now that you’ve picked the perfect theme for your fitness blog, it’s time to explore the Pages menu on the left-hand side of your WordPress dashboard.

There’s a difference between pages and posts in WordPress. Posts are where you’ll publish your regular fitness articles and updates, like new workout routines or healthy recipes. Pages, on the other hand, are for more static content that won’t change much over time. These are essential for any website, and your fitness blog is no exception!

Here’s how to create a new page for your fitness blog:

  1. Head over to the Pages menu in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click on Add New.
  3. Give your page a clear and descriptive title. This will be what visitors see on your navigation menu.
  4. Below the title, you’ll find a large editing area. Here’s where you’ll write the content for your page.

Now that you know the drill, let’s dive into some key pages you’ll need for your fitness blog:

  • About Us: This is your chance to introduce yourself (or your team) and your blog! Briefly explain what your blog is about, the kind of fitness content you plan to share, and what you hope your readers will gain from following along.
  • Contact: Make it easy for visitors to connect with you! Include your email address or a contact form so readers can ask questions, share feedback, or even inquire about collaborations.
  • Terms and Conditions: This page outlines the rules and expectations for using your blog. There are free tools like Terms and Conditions Generator that can help you create a basic template, but be sure to read through it carefully and make any adjustments needed before publishing.
  • Privacy Policy: Here, you explain what information you collect from visitors (like email addresses from comments) and how you’ll use it. Similar to the terms and conditions, free tools like Privacy Policy Generator can get you started, but always proofread and customize it before publishing.

Having these essential pages isn’t just good practice, it’s necessary if you ever want to make money from your blog. Most advertising networks require them before approving your application.

So, go forth and create those pages! They’ll provide a strong foundation for your fitness blog and help you connect with your audience.

8. Develop A Content Plan

So you’ve got a fantastic fitness blog brewing, but how often should you post, and what kind of content will keep people coming back for more? This is where a content plan comes in – it’s your roadmap to blogging success.

Frequency is key

Imagine your favorite fitness channel – they wouldn’t just upload 10 videos one month and then disappear, right? Search engines and readers love consistency. Posting regularly shows you’re committed and keeps your audience engaged. Don’t worry about going overboard – it’s better to start with a manageable schedule, like 5 posts a month, and stick to it. Consistency is key!

Content variety is king

Think beyond just long articles. Short and sweet tips, inspirational stories, or healthy recipe ideas can all be great ways to mix things up and keep your readers interested.

Finding the perfect pictures

Eye-catching images are a must! There are many free stock photo websites where you can find great visuals to complement your posts.

The power of video

Videos are fantastic for fitness blogs! They let you demonstrate exercises or showcase healthy cooking tips in a more engaging way. Consider incorporating some videos into your plan, even if it’s just occasionally.

Spreading the word – marketing your fitness blog

Once you’ve created awesome content, you want people to see it! Share your posts on social media, fitness forums, or relevant online communities. This will help drive traffic to your blog and build your audience.

Remember, building a successful blog takes time and effort. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results overnight. By creating a solid content plan, posting regularly, and promoting your work, you’ll be well on your way to a thriving fitness blog!

9. Research Keywords

So, you’ve mastered WordPress and prepped some stellar fitness content – awesome! Now, let’s talk about getting readers to your amazing blog. This is where keyword research comes in.

Imagine writing fantastic articles, but no one finds them. Blogging success hinges on attracting readers, and that’s where keywords play a starring role.

Think of it like this: Every blog builds up a reputation like a trust score. Google loves established, trustworthy sites (high authority) when ranking search results. As a new fitness blogger, your authority starts low, but don’t worry, it grows with consistent posting, helpful content, and mentions on other blogs (backlinks).

There are tools that measure blog authority, like Moz’s DA (Domain Authority) score. You can download their free MozBar extension for Chrome to see authority scores of websites ranking in Google.

For instance, let’s say you want to write about the Keto Diet. To get traffic, you ideally want to be on Google’s first page. But here’s the catch: websites ranking for “Keto Diet” likely have high authority. This makes it super tough for a new blog to compete.

Enter long-tail keywords! These are specific, targeted phrases that get decent traffic but haven’t been covered by big blogs yet. They’re your golden ticket!

Let’s explore this with a new example: “Keto travel meals.” See the difference? This specific phrase is much more achievable for a new blog to rank for.

That’s the magic of keyword research! You find low-competition keywords in your niche and write content targeting them. This helps your blog climb the Google ranks faster and attract readers quicker.

There are many keyword research tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, Moz, and KWFinder. Most are paid, but they offer free trials to test the waters.

Here’s a tip: Don’t rush out and buy them just yet. Start by manually researching keywords and supplement it with free trials. Create a spreadsheet to keep track of all the low-competition gems you find. Once you have 15-20 keywords, you’re ready to move on to crafting killer content!

10. Produce High Quality Content

Now that you have your keywords picked out, it’s time to create the heart of your blog: high-quality content! There are two main ways to tackle this:

Write the content yourself

This is a great option if you enjoy writing and have some fitness knowledge. It saves money, because good content creation can be expensive.

Even in the age of AI, there’s nothing quite like human-written content. It can feel more genuine and engaging for your readers.

Hire a content writer

Remember how I mentioned you could start a fitness blog even without being a fitness expert? Here’s how! Hiring a writer lets you focus on what you’re good at, while someone else crafts the content. This can be a great option for scaling your blog later on.

Finding the perfect balance

There’s a third option: using AI writing assistants! These tools can help you brainstorm ideas and even write drafts. But remember, they aren’t perfect. Always double-check the facts and edit the content for clarity and flow before publishing.

Scaling up your content creation

As your blog grows and generates revenue, you might want to consider creating even more content. This is where hiring additional writers comes in. Imagine going from 10 articles a month to 30! That’s some serious “aggressive scaling,” as the passage mentioned.

Looking for Help?

I own an agency, and it also provides writing and other content creation services specifically for bloggers. We only provide manually written content so no AI services. If you want us to work on your fitness page, let’s connect through the contact page.

All in all, the key is to find a content creation strategy that works for you, whether it’s writing yourself, hiring a writer, or using a combination of both!

11. Optimize For SEO

Ever wondered how people find your awesome fitness blog? That’s where SEO comes in! SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it’s basically a way to fine-tune your blog so it shows up higher in search results like Google.

Think of it like this: imagine millions of people searching for fitness tips online. With strong SEO, your blog becomes like a flashing neon sign, grabbing their attention and leading them right to your content.

Here’s why SEO matters so much: over half (around 53.3%) of all website visitors actually come from search engines! That’s a huge chunk of potential readers you don’t want to miss.

So, how do we get this SEO magic working for our fitness blog? There are two main approaches:

  • On-page SEO: This involves making your blog posts themselves more search-engine friendly. It’s all about creating helpful, well-structured content that keeps people engaged.
  • Off-page SEO: This focuses on building your blog’s reputation outside your own site. Think of it like earning “street cred” in the fitness world online. The more other reputable websites link back to yours, the more trustworthy and valuable search engines see your blog.

By mastering both on-page and off-page SEO, your fitness blog will be in prime position to attract a steady stream of readers eager to learn and get fit with you!

On-page SEO for a fitness blog

Out of the two main types of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), on-page SEO is the most manageable for beginners. It basically involves fine-tuning your blog content and website elements to make them more search-engine friendly.

Here’s the good news: there’s a clear roadmap to follow! You can optimize your fitness blog for on-page SEO by focusing on things like:

  • Meta tags: These are like tiny titles and descriptions hidden behind the scenes of your blog posts. They tell search engines what your content is about, so crafting good ones can make a big difference.
  • Images and videos: People love visuals! Including high-quality pictures and videos related to your fitness tips can boost engagement and make your content more attractive to search engines.
  • Internal linking: Imagine your blog posts as interconnected rooms. By linking to relevant articles within your blog, you help search engines understand your website’s structure and improve navigation for readers.

Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry! There are free plugins available to simplify on-page SEO for you. Two popular options are Yoast SEO and Rank Math. These tools are like virtual assistants, guiding you through the optimization process. They typically score your blog posts out of 100 based on SEO best practices and even suggest areas for improvement.

While both plugins are great, I personally prefer Rank Math. It offers a user-friendly interface and seems to provide more detailed feedback on how to optimize your content.

Off-page SEO for a fitness blog

Off-page SEO might sound complicated, but it’s basically about how well-known your fitness blog is outside your own website. There are two key things you can do here:

  • Social media presence: Setting up social media profiles for your blog is like introducing yourself to search engines. When your blog name gets mentioned on trusted social networks like Facebook or Instagram, it shows search engines that your blog is legit.
  • Link building: This is where other websites link to yours, which is like getting a good recommendation. It’s a bit more advanced, so I’ll be writing a separate guide for beginners soon. Stay tuned!

13. Monetizing Your Fitness Blog

Congrats! You’ve put in the sweat to build your fitness blog. Now, let’s talk about the fun part: making money from it!

There are many ways to turn your blog into a source of income. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but it’s a great starting point. Once you’ve built an audience, the possibilities are endless! Here’s a key tip: don’t rely on just one way to make money. Spread your income out like seeds in a garden. That way, if one source dries up, your blog can still flourish.

Run advertisements

Running ads is a great way to turn your hard work on your fitness blog into some cash!

Before you jump into running ads, it’s important to have a solid foundation. Aim for at least 40 high-quality articles on your blog, covering a range of fitness topics. This will keep readers engaged and coming back for more.

There are different ad networks for different blog sizes. Here are a few popular options for beginners:

  • Google AdSense: This is the most well-known ad network. There’s no minimum traffic requirement, but you’ll need strong content. AdSense typically pays $2 to $5 per 1,000 views (RPM) for fitness blogs.
  • Ezoic: A good alternative for beginner fitness bloggers. While some users find Ezoic ads can slow down your site, they offer valuable tools like Humix and NicheIQ to help your blog grow. Ezoic pays more than Adsense, averaging $6 to $15 per 1,000 views (EPMV) for fitness blogs, and they also don’t have a traffic requirement.

Once your blog gains traction, you can explore premium ad networks like Mediavine and Raptive.

These offer the highest payouts in the industry (around $18 to $45 RPM) and excellent customer support. However, they have high traffic requirements (50,000 monthly sessions for Mediavine, 100,000 monthly pageviews for Raptive).

Here’s the Plan! Start with Ezoic to get ad revenue rolling. You can even activate “mediation” to show AdSense ads alongside Ezoic’s. As your traffic grows, you can aim for those premium ad networks with their bigger payouts!

Affiliate marketing

Fitness blogs are a fantastic platform to share your knowledge and inspire others. But did you know you can also turn your passion into profits through affiliate marketing?

Imagine you’re recommending a fantastic restaurant to your friend. If they end up going there and loving it, you might feel a sense of satisfaction for steering them in the right direction. Affiliate marketing is similar, but for online shopping!

  • You partner with companies that sell products related to your fitness niche (think protein powder companies, yoga mat brands, etc.).
  • They provide you with special links.
  • When you share these links on your blog (like in a recipe post or workout guide), and someone clicks the link and buys something, you earn a commission from the sale.

Affiliate networks handle the tracking behind the scenes, so you don’t have to worry about proving someone came from your link. It’s a win-win! You get rewarded for recommending great products, and your readers find helpful things they might be interested in.

People are more likely to buy through your affiliate links if they trust your recommendations. Focus on creating valuable content that educates, motivates, and solves problems for your readers. Share your own experiences with fitness products and be transparent about your affiliate partnerships.

Some of the most common affiliate networks I use are Amazon Associates and ClickBank.

Create a product or service

Building a fitness blog is a fantastic way to share your passion and help others reach their goals. But what if you could take things a step further and turn your expertise into even more income? Here’s how selling your own products and services can skyrocket your blog’s earning potential.

Instead of relying solely on affiliate marketing commissions, you can create and sell your own unique products! These can be physical or digital:

  • E-books: Write downloadable guides on specific fitness topics, like “Strength Training for Beginners” or “Healthy Meal Prep Made Easy.”
  • Workout Plans: Craft personalized or customizable workout plans that cater to different fitness levels and goals.
  • Fitness Apparel: Design and sell branded t-shirts, tank tops, or workout leggings with inspirational messages or your blog logo.
  • Meal Prep Templates: Create downloadable templates with weekly meal plans, shopping lists, and healthy recipe ideas.

The possibilities extend beyond products! Offer your services directly to your audience:

  • Virtual Fitness Coaching: Conduct online personal training sessions, offering personalized workout routines, nutrition coaching, and motivational support.
  • Group Fitness Classes: Host live-streamed fitness classes like yoga, HIIT, or strength training right through your blog platform.
  • Consultations: Offer one-on-one consultations to answer specific fitness questions and provide tailored advice.

Think outside the box! Here are some additional service ideas:

  • Fitness Challenges: Organize online fitness challenges to keep your audience engaged and motivated.
  • Accountability Coaching: Provide accountability coaching to help clients stay on track with their fitness goals.
  • Community Building: Create a premium membership area on your blog offering exclusive workout videos, live Q&A sessions, and a supportive fitness community.

By offering your own products and services, you tap directly into the audience you’ve already built and create a recurring revenue stream. Remember, the key is to identify your readers’ needs and develop solutions that genuinely help them achieve their fitness goals. So get creative, leverage your expertise, and watch your fitness blog blossom into a thriving business!

Explore sponsored content

Leveraging sponsored content on a fitness blog can be an effective way to monetize your platform while providing value to your audience.

Before you can attract sponsors, you need to build a loyal and engaged audience. Focus on creating high-quality, relevant content that resonates with your target audience. You should consistently provide valuable information, tips, and resources to establish yourself as an authority in the fitness niche.

I would also suggest you to develop a professional media kit that highlights key statistics and demographics about your audience, including website traffic, social media following, engagement metrics, and any other relevant data. You may Include information about your blog’s niche, audience demographics, advertising options, and pricing.

And lastly, when creating sponsored content, ensure that it aligns with your blog’s brand and provides value to your audience. Maintain editorial integrity by only promoting products or services that you genuinely believe in and that are relevant to your audience.

Final Thoughts

Starting a fitness blog and making money from it is not just about creating content and implementing monetization strategies—it’s about sharing your passion, inspiring others, and making a positive impact in the lives of your audience.

Along the way, you’ll encounter challenges, learn valuable lessons, and experience moments of triumph.

Remember to stay authentic, stay consistent, and stay true to your mission. Keep your audience at the forefront of everything you do, and always strive to provide value, motivation, and support.

With dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to learn and adapt, your fitness blog has the potential to become a powerful platform for growth, both personally and professionally.

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